Friday, October 3, 2014

Depraved, but not totally

The one issue I have with some Calvinists is not having a correct understanding on the depravity of man.  Nowhere in Scripture is the doctrine of total depravity taught.  Now with this being said, I am not stating that mankind does not have a problem with depravity. The fact that I was "sinful at birth" infers inclination toward depravity and not a natural inclination toward righteousness.  In observing how some become more depraved over time, total depravity becomes a problem in a starting point in ministry.  If  you read The Four Noble Truths, you will see that even the Buddhist understands that he is depraved.
Now what does this do with alcohol and alcoholism?  Well, if one begins with the premise of total depravity then ALL sin may becomes too generalized and the solution too simple generic. Also, when a sin like alcoholism is looked at as simply that persons  "sin" problem and they cannot "handle" it, then it may allow me to think that drinking alcohol is "ok" for me.  This was not the mentality of Charles Spurgeon as noted in a previous post when confronted about the influence of alcohol among the people of England.  He understood the influence he had on others even though he did handle drinking responsibly. 
There is the idea that alcohol is not the problem and alcoholism is symptom of a deeper problem and in some cases that is true but some people just love too drink after one intoxicating drink they keep going.  An alcoholic beverage is sweet and made of water.  It can be addicting simply in of itself.  I can testify to this as well. The compulsion to drink increases.  Depravity increases as well.  People do things that they did not do before and think about thoughts that they may not have had before.  There is a mystery of lawlessness here to consider with depravity to consider. If one begins with the premise of total depravity, this becomes missed.  The bible teaches that lawlessness will increase over the course of human history.  This also true with the unregenerate. The fact that a Christian may dismiss their influence can cause a brother to stumble back into alcoholism because one drink is all it takes.
May the only offense be the cross of Jesus!